Testimonial from Shira

Covid hit when my daughter Sasha was in 1st grade. She struggled during a hybrid school year in 2nd grade and by 3rd grade she was below grade level in math. Her self-esteem was low and she was frustrated. It was difficult for my husband and I to help her with her school work because she would lose her ability to focus and we would lose our patience.  

Sasha began working weekly with Noah Garson from Whole Scope Learning in the fall of 2021.  She is now in 5th grade and her confidence as well as her grades in math have improved tremendously. “I love working with Noah because he makes learning math easier for me.  He shows me different strategies to use. I feel better at school because of Noah.”

For 2 years Noah has displayed nothing but the utmost in professionalism. He always works around our schedule. He is a calm and happy presence in our home.


Testimonial from Nusrat


Testimonial from C.