
More is More

More is More

Enrichment focuses on enhancing the learning experience through intriguing, exciting, and educational opportunities.

Some of these opportunities are more specific such as learning an instrument or a language, others allow for more flexibility and creativity. There is an emphasis on the process rather than the product, as your child develops skills along the way that shape their future approach to learning. 

  • Academic

    Our goal is to engage your child in academic content that makes learning fun! Children do not always get to choose what they learn about. With Whole Scope Learning, they do.

  • Outdoor Learning

    We utilize the beautiful Central Park as a place for discovery and exploration while taking a step away from the bustling city. We intend to foster inquiry through immersive experiences in nature. 

  • Spanish

    Dual language education elevates brain activity, improves memory, and allows for more cognitive flexibility when it comes to problem-solving and critical thinking. Our New York state-certified Spanish educator, Patrick, will guide your child through the nuances of learning a new language.

  • Guitar

    Music education often has positive effects on memory, math, and literacy development. It can help your child connect with themselves and the world spiritually while increasing processing speed when learning across the board. Your child will get to read, listen to, and write music when working with our guitar educator, Ben.

Academic Enrichment

Through intentional collaboration with your child and consent from you, in regards to content, one of our educators will develop a learning plan that responds to your child's interests and approach to learning. This plan is always subject to change as the needs and interests of your child change. 

The learning plan will consist of content and approach. Your child will choose the content or topic of study, and work with the educator to determine the most effective approach to learning. The approach to learning will be informed by your child’s learning style and will reflect their interests in an effort to develop a love for learning. We offer Academic enrichment in the areas of science, math, language arts, and social studies.

Outdoor Learning

Children learn from peers and trusted adults such as parents and teachers. We believe there is a third teacher, the environment. The environment is the third teacher no matter where the learning is taking place, but the natural environment is the timeless teacher and offers countless benefits to children that cannot be accessed in the confines of a classroom. 

Some of the benefits to learning in nature include, but are not limited to, stress relief, self regulation, improved moods, bodily awareness, sensory integration, improved interpersonal skills, increased attention span, creativity, confidence, and empathy. Empathy opens the door for children to make connections between themselves and the natural world which will only benefit them as they build relationships and learn to make connections with peers and adults.

Contact Us

Contact Us

If you’d like to have your child join an enrichment program, please fill out the contact form below and we’ll be in touch to set up an initial consultation.