Basic Tutoring
Staying on Track
Staying on Track
School is a busy place and not all children get the one-on-one attention they deserve and may need. With Whole Scope Learning, they do.
During each session, we will support your child in completing daily homework tasks and related assignments. Our educators will always come prepared with additional learning experiences in case there is little or no homework. These learning activities will always be aligned with the New York State Next Generation Learning standards and the content your child is learning in school. This will maintain continuity between the work being done at school and the work being done with one of our educators.
Your child will develop new strategies and approaches to different content, and determine what works best for them. We will help your child understand their learning style so they feel confident approaching new content with joy and assurance.
Contact Us
Contact Us
If you’d like to have your child join our basic tutoring program, please fill out the contact form below and we’ll be in touch to set up an initial consultation.